Training courses facilitated by Chris Church
Chris Church is a skilled and qualified facilitator, trainer and project development worker with over 25 years of experience. He has worked widely at international, national, local and community level.
He has delivered consultancy and training for Talk Action to among others – Defra, The Environment Agency, Westminster Council, The European Commission, Friends of the Earth, Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), Groundwork, The Wildlife Trust, Natural England and the National Housing Federation. In fact there are very few organisations, community groups and national bodies that Chris hasn’t worked with in one capacity or another.
One of Chris’s main focuses in recent years has been enthusing those so called ‘hard-to-reach’ groups and disengaged – with great success across the UK!
Facilitation Training
Upcoming dates: 20 Feb 2025 – Online1 May 2025 – Online
Our Facilitation Training course gives you the practical tools and techniques to make your meetings engaging and productive, both online and face-to-face.
Facilitated by Chris Church
Engaging Communities on Climate Change
A fantastic day dedicated to you, your community and climate change.
Facilitated by Chris Church